XP12: 12.00 Beta 6

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Version 12.00 Beta 6 was a simulator update for the late pre-production of X-Plane 12 released on 2022-10-06.

Known bugs

  • Incomplete or missing features in Alpha/Early Access:
    • Master-external visual networking
    • New XPLM APIs
    • Airbus A330 FMC
  • In progress features:
    • Tuning lighting & fog
    • LIT textures
    • Performance
    • VR holodeck lighting
    • Far trees don’t look great
    • Better cloud shapes, especially cirrus
    • Performance tuning
  • XPD-11214 Plane Maker CG/Lights/Tanks Position Markers Not Visible.
  • XPD-12879 Wake turbulence broken for 3rd party integrations.


  • XPD-13075 – Crash with AI logic executing on part-constructed aircraft.
  • XPD-12954 – crash while dragging nodes around during side view of fuselage in Planemaker.
  • XPD-11404 – Constant magenta NaNs with GeForce 900 series GPUs.
  • XPD-13077 – Wings don't droop under fuel load.
  • XPD-12627 – Implement KTX2 for compressing normal textures.
  • XPD-12207 – NaN magenta box in ATC window.
  • XPD-13056 – ATIS broadcasts use the lowest wind layer not the one at the airport altitude.
  • XPD-13007 – Radio range was not being taken into account for ATIS broadcasts.
  • XPD-12940 – AI are still requesting taxi for departure when a gate-hold is in effect.
  • XPD-12998 – Dev builds assert with altitude < 0 in radio parameter expansion.