XP11: 11.30

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Version 11.30 was a simulator update for X-Plane 11 released on 2019-01-14. It was described as a "major update" that added a new ATC voice system, particle system, and Gateway airports.

New features and improvements

  • Updated experimental flight model
  • New ATC voice system.
  • Particles editor for aircraft.
  • Autopilot & aircraft systems updates:
    • Summary of AP changes in 11.30
    • Propeller feathering
    • Anti- and de-ice systems
    • Oxygen system
    • Autopilot parameters
    • Fixed turboprop engine governor
    • Vacuum systems
    • Vacuum gyro limitations & caging
  • Improved industrial zones in US autogen & reorganized library.
  • FM improvements / experimental FM UI option
  • Shader system rebuilt as part of port to Vulkan.
  • All of X-Plane is now 8.33kHz aware.
  • Panel res bumped to 4k.
  • Updated airspace to 2018 & Navigraph default data 1708.
  • Added sector altitudes in VFR map.
  • Updated joystick config files to use sim/autopilot/servos_off_any.
  • New UI options to enlarge font size.
  • New UI for manually setting joystick curves per axis.
  • Settings UI for re-enabling notification windows that have a "don't show this again" checkbox.
  • Situation files get you close to landmarks for quick sight seeing.
  • User submitted joystick config files.

Flight model improvements

Now we find ground effect for each BIT of the helo rotor! This phases in the ground effect from front to back as we approach a tall helipad!

Wing force improvements

New drag coefficients in the airfoil files are now much more accurate POST-STALL. This new improvement makes ZERO difference when the wing is not stalled, but post-stall, the drag is now much more accurate.

NOTE: This is NOT a change to X-Plane! It is a change to Airfoil Maker and the airfoil files that we distribute! If you want to realize this new accuracy in your personal or third-party aircraft, then fire up Airfoil Maker and do the batch-update to update all of your airfoils. (BUT BE WARNED: IF THIRD-PARTY ACFT MAKERS HAVE TWEAKED THEIR AFLS TO BE JUST PERFECT FOR THEIR PLANES, THEN THOSE MODS WILL BE OVER-WRITTEN!)

So, for third-party aircraft-makers, do a batch-convert on your airfoils in Airfoil Maker, and then re-test any post-stall flight that you want to. You will see that the drag is initially higher than in previous versions of X-Plane.

As well as the more accurate wing forces post-stall, in Plane Maker we also draw little spheres where the wings connect, so you can see where you have (or don't) connected wings in Plane Maker.

Propeller and propwash modeling improvements

Now in Plane Maker, engines screen, you will notice some really cool new stuff. It's in the engine screen, prop tabs:

Ellipse ratio: Enter a value of 1.0, or approaching 1.0, to get elliptical props for more efficiency… X-Plane will take the Oswalds efficiency to 1.0 as the ellipse ratio goes to 1.0.

Root AOA, tip AOA, and power to interpolate: Now in addition to the helix-angle prop-twist, we add some AOA to the blades to get us to the optimal AOA for the airfoil… with some washout near the tip to reduce induced drag if desired.

And in X-Plane, the propwash is now much nicer:

Rather than just applying wash behind the disc, we now ACCELERATE the air leading up to the disc over a distance, then ACCELERATE it behind the disc over a distance, as happens in reality! This increase in propwash speed over distance is modeled after charts showing inflow of air into the prop disc, watching the air accelerate as it is pulled into the disc, and pressurized to continue speeding up behind the disc! Hit the control-m key a few times while looking at a propeller airplane at full thrust and not moving (or slowly moving) to really see this effect.

Downwash modeling improvements

I've combined data from a number of NACA tech-reports, and confirmed them as follows:

Flight-test on the Boeing 707 in the 60's showed that the reduced downwash over the tail due to ground-effect threw the nose down about 2.5 degrees if you never flared. With update from NACA tech reports on observed downwash, we now see the same thing on airliners of that configuration in X-Plane! So, the technical reports have been taken into X-Plane, and the results match flight-test on large aircraft where these pitch changes can be most precisely measured.

Engine improvements

Better jet engine modeling: We now have single-spool and twin-spool jets selectable in Plane-Maker!

We used to have only a single GEARED spool, giving the appearance of a twin-spool jet but not REALLY tracking n1 and n2 separately. Now, you can select single or twin-spool jets in Plane-Maker to really get the jet engine dynamics better in the spool-up and spool-down, watching N2 lead N1 on the spool-up, or the other way around on the spool-down. I have validated this model against careful recordings of engine starts and throttle run-ups and shut-downs taken on a (real) Airbus A-320 to make sure they match perfectly. (I'm working with some Airbus pilots to make an Airbus sim for actual Airbus pilot training, so I'm getting the Airbus engines and flight control systems really dialed in, to satisfy Airbus pilots that want to use X-Plane for training).

As well in Plane Maker you can specify the correlation between N1 and N2, so even though the two can turn freely from each other, aero loads will ultimately drive them to the ratio you specify in Plane Maker (which varies with N1 and N2!) Jet N1/N2 windmilling are now a bit more accurate, based on windmilling data I found in a POH for the Boeing 737.

Nice little improvement in the manifold pressure model for non-turbo airplanes (ones where you entered critical altitude of zero in Plane Maker engine window), where the sim now understands that lower back-pressure at altitude for non-turbo airplanes provides a bit more power per inch of manifold pressure. So, a nice little bit of improvement in the manifold pressure model.

Nice little carb ice improvement: We now look at the actual dynamic pressure and resulting Bernoulli effects in the Venturi tube itself to see when ice will form! So this is a nice way to use physics to predict carb ice.

Free N1 turbo (old). This is the PT6 turboprop model from X-Plane for many years now, where the N1 is used as the compressor Ng in the real engine. This is a rather old model, and using N1 for Ng is perhaps a bit awkward, when you understand how the real engine works.

Free N2 Turobrop. This is the NEW PT6 turboprop model, where the N2 is used as the compressor Ng in the real engine. This is the new model, which is more accurate and very carefully matched to real PT6 performance. This uses N2 for Ng, which makes a lot of sense, when you understand how the real engine works. As well it uses N1 for the turbine that is attached to the prop, so the N2 drives the torque, and the N1 is spun by that, just like a high-bypass turbofan engine. So, this use of N2 for the Ng makes much more sense, and the model is more accurate as well, so this is the new turboprop model that you should use.

Fixed turboprop. Unchanged for years, roughly modeled after the Garret turboprops. A much better Garret model is indeed coming!

Jet 1 spool. This is the jet engine model from X-Plane for many years now, and is simply not as good as it could be. This model always has the N1 spinning at a ratio to N2 that was a simple power curve. This is good enough to mimic a real jet engine sort of closely, if you don't look at how fast the various turbines spin up and down compared to each other, and how they differ under load vs windmilling. It was just barely good enough to work, but not as good as I want for X-Plane now.

Jet 2 spool. This is the new jet engine model for X-Plane: The N2 is the power turbine in the hot section, spinning up and down as fuel is applied. Totally INDEPENDENTLY from that, the N1 is spun by the torque generated from N2, spinning the bypass fan. This is more accurate, since N2 can surge while N1 takes some time to respond, and N1 can windmill briskly even if N2 is shut down and barely spinning. So this is a nicer model because each system can spin up or down ahead of the other to really bring those dynamics into the sim!

Body drag and sideforce improvements

OK this one is NICE! Look at the fuselage and nacelle and misc bodies section in Plane Maker: now there is a RECOMMENDED Cd (coefficient of drag) for that body!

AFTER you have entered the V-speeds for your airplane, AFTER you have entered the geometry for that body, you can see that recommended Cd and use that as your Cd if you like. This Cd looks at the V-speeds of the plane to estimate Reynolds number, which it then uses to estimate skin friction drag, which it then applies across the surface area of the body, which it then multiplies based on the thickness of the body compared to its' length, which it then compares to the frontal area of the body to predict a reasonable coefficient of drag if the body is streamlined and in un-disturbed airflow. Whew!

So, this is a really nice way to get a good guess at the Cd for an airplane fuselage, and all the other parts on the airplane. Historically, people have not known what Cd to enter for the fuselage and other parts, so this is a really nice way to get a good estimate based on known skin friction drag and wetted area and aspect ratio.

Also, we have refined the side-force on bodies tp be more accurate, and also improved WHERE on the fuselage that side-force is applied! The force application occurs at 25% of the body length at zero sideslip or angle of attack, and moves back to 50% of the body length at 90 degrees offset to the airflow, following a curve in between. So the bodies now have better lift and drag estimates, as well as proper placement of that force at the right point on the body.

Now, various reports I could find do a decent job of estimating WHAT the side-forces are on a streamlined body, but i could find few references clearly showing WHERE those forces act. So how to find out? I need to find the pivot point of a streamlined body at various angles of attack… how to do that? Answer: THIS!

And this is very cool: Wings and stuff that are INSIDE of bodies are now automatically hidden from the airflow! Ditto the parts of wings that are inside of engine nacelles! Cool! This takes away that little bit of lift on twin-engine props, for example, that have the nacelles hiding away part of the wing! This adds a nice little extra bit of realism, especially if you have wings going inside the fuselage or something like that, where the wings do not see any air and therefore need to be removed from any airflow.

You see, the simplified theory says that the lift of the wings goes across the fuselage, but we are now better than that: We now find the lift and drag and location for those forces on the fuselage and nacelles and all other bodies, so the time has come to take the wings OUT of the bodies so lift is not double-computed! So that is the next level of realism, and is done automatically: You don't have to take any action to hide the bits of the wings that are hidden away inside the fuselage or nacelles: Just hit control-m a few times in the external view when in flight to see how the lift vectors of the wings are gone for all parts of the wings that are hidden away inside a fuselage, nacelle, or misc body.

A few tweaks for gliders

We now have give tow and get tow and also get winch locations.. so we have all 3 hook locations now. As well winches we have speed commands: faster/slower winch! DEFINE_CMND_KEY(cmnd_win_faster ,"sim/flight_controls/winch_faster" ,"Winch faster. (for gliders)." ,0,0) DEFINE_CMND_KEY(cmnd_win_slower ,"sim/flight_controls/winch_slower" ,"Winch slower. (for gliders)." ,0,0) I cannot imagine ever choosing anything except "FASTER!", but I admit that some people use the sim differently than me.

Trim and flight control deflection times are now a bit better:

When you enter the deflection time of either flight control or trim in Plane Maker, X-Plane automatically scales that time DOWN for deflection-directions that are smaller in magnitude. So the control or trim SPEED is the same in both directions, even if the deflection is smaller in one direction than another. This holds constant trim speeds and control deflection speeds, regardless of direction and deflection, which is how the mechanical systems typically behave in reality.

Various systems improvements

Also, for other flight-model improvements, we now have:

Flap lockout if wings are swept. This keeps the flaps from deploying by mistake when the wings are swept, as is done in the real F-14.

Sweep lockout if flaps are down. This keeps the flaps from deploying by mistake when the wings are swept, as is done in the real F-14.

Auto-flaps near the stall, but only partial deployment, as is done in the real F-14.

Auto-speedbrakes with pitch input for precise glideslope control to carrier landings, called "direct-lift-control" as is done in the real F-14.

Fuel tanks can be set as being in any wing, so the fuel load sweeps back and comes inward with increasing wing-sweep, to really get that center of gravity aft, and moment of inertia in roll down, as happens in the real F-14. We now have 3-dimensional specification of the tail-hook location, which useful for airplane that have tail-hooks, like the F-14.

We now apply the actual arresting-gear hook location to the arresting wires on the carriers to see if we have made arresting-gear contact.

We used to just check the airplane-center location for arresting-wire contact, but this oversight has now been corrected and we check for the actual hook location.

Bug fixes

Release Candidate 3

  • XPD-9749 Fix more sun flickering.
  • XPD-9755, XPD-9800 Fixed Windows manifests.
  • XPD-9782 Fixed runway centerline lights appearing inside C172 in VR.
  • XPD-9790 Taxi/Landing lights do not illuminate night scenery in 3D cockpit view.
  • XPD-9795 Fixed crash when OS language is set to Korean.
  • XPD-9796 Remove rain inside the cockpit.
  • XPD-9813 Fixed bad scenery path.

Release Candidate 2

  • Fixed extvis machines getting out-of-sync after resuming from a long (1h+) pause.
  • XPD-9094 747-4 reverse thrust not adjustable.
  • XPD-9220 sim/engines/thrust_reverse_toggle not working on 747.
  • XPD-9708 Ground vehicles run OFF TRACK on one-way segments.
  • XPD-9732 Fixed AI aircraft not flying at right flight level.
  • XPD-9734 Took Cessna with wider nose wheel steering.
  • XPD-9735 Auto-toe-brakes didn't work for free castoring ACF.
  • XPD-9737, XPD-9746 Fixed broken interior/exterior lights in 737, Baron.
  • XPD-9741 Missing interior lights in BD-5 1.6 in HDR on Mac.
  • XPD-9744 Fix for missing default keyboard preference style options.
  • XPD-9747 Fixed VR head position of 747.
  • XPD-9749 Sun flickers in VR.
  • XPD-9750 Shadows missing from some AI planes in external views on Windows.
  • XPD-9752 Baron sound placements are wrong.
  • XPD-9754 Don't allow rotated cockpit objs.
  • XPD-9756 Helicopter heat blur too visible and showing in tail rotor.
  • XPD-9757 Particles occluded by exterior aircraft model in interior view.
  • XPD-9763 Bug in S-Tec 55 autopilot code in NAV GPSS mode.
  • XPD-9767 Fixed jitter on nose wheel of airplanes with custom gear params.
  • XPD-9769 Heat blur present in C172 cabin in VR.
  • XPD-9770 Fixes to auto-toe-brake compatibility code.
  • XPD-9771 Heat blur NOT present from wing seats in 737 in VR.
  • XPD-9773 Fixed broken AI back taxi.
  • XPD-9774 Set tow plane back to L5.
  • XSG-6635 LIRN ILS Rwy 06 has wrong offset.

Release Candidate 1

  • XPD-9460 Shadow LOD bias adjusted to artist recommendation.
  • XPD-9495 Particle FX are canceled by replay.
  • XPD-9498 Engine FX follow thrust vectors.
  • XPD-9520, XPD-9725 Fixed shader compile issue with old drivers and dome.glsl.
  • XPD-9599 Fixed light level differences when using auto-adjust.
  • XPD-9609 Fixed asan trip on exit due to OGL_shader.
  • XPD-9615 Turned off cloud-based lighting in particles.
  • XPD-9662 Auto-toe-brake set to 11.26 versions in file loader for old planes.
  • XPD-9687, XPD-9682 Fixed particles appearing in C172.
  • XPD-9697 Sounds are killed for AI aircraft that are removed.
  • XPD-9702 Disable the Stinson for AI.
  • XPD-9705 Fixed crash with glass blend in scenery.
  • XPD-9706 Probe heat doesn't turn on static heat in the 737.
  • XPD-9707 Took new art to fix tree transparency.
  • XPD-9710 Fixed inverted hard surfaces.
  • XPD-9711 Fixed incorrect low LOD when HDR 4x SSAA was on.
  • XPD-9713 Fixed crash adding OBJ in Plane Maker.
  • XPD-9718 dv-inc as fm2 dataref.
  • XPD-9719 Enabled vector thrust without check box for old ACF from 11.26.
  • XPD-9721 Logbook not showing the destination/arrival airport ICAO in the Logbook.
  • XPD-9722 Transparent objects cast shadows when "draw shadows on scenery" is enabled.
  • XPD-9724 Aircraft objects loaded as AI cause VR config file error.

Beta 7

  • New datarefs:
    • XPD-9255 – real fps dataref
    • XPD-9435 – aircraft meta-data datarefs
    • XPD-9703 – door datarefs for p0 for sound
  • Updated art:
    • Kingair particles fixed
    • XPD-9688 – fixed C172 label
    • Baron FMOD bug fixes
  • XPD-9420 Moving shadow in VR + non-HDR.
  • XPD-9453 Fixed truck lights disappearing when truck off screen.
  • XPD-9475 Parts missing when loading situation after crash.
  • XPD-9520 Fixed crashing apps on some versions of win10.
  • XPD-9575 Fixed crash with aircraft with too many weapons.
  • XPD-9654 Fixed shader finger printing trying to xmap directories.
  • XPD-9658 Fix for altitude hold in GPSS mode.
  • XPD-9672 Fix for mouseover tips displaying incorrectly.
  • XPD-9675 Updated PT6 model naming convention for N1 & N2.
  • XPD-9680 We now correctly show the "experimental" classification in the UI.
  • XPD-9684 Fixed KSNA sinking due to 0CL5 being flattened.
  • XPD-9685 Fix for broken physics over OBJ with ATTR_hard.
  • XPD-9686 Loosing thrust above highways.
  • XPD-9693 AI airplanes sound is not filtered on user aircraft cockpit.
  • XPD-9694 FMOD: Cessna and Baron attenuate exterior sounds when on external view.

Beta 6

  • Updated SDK binaries.
  • XPD-8105 Zoomed cockpit weather display.
  • XPD-8149 Added a "boats" layer with the carrier, frigate, and oil rigs to map.
  • XPD-9131 Removed controller reflections in VR.
  • XPD-9150 Fixed key repeat on Linux.
  • XPD-9350 Things break when SDK2 and SDK3 windows are present at the same time.
  • XPD-9359 EFIS range changes after switching aircraft.
  • XPD-9523 Particles not visible in cockpit view.
  • XPD-9526 Condensation turns black after viewing replay & returning to flight.
  • XPD-9536 Fixed FMOD clicks on camera changes.
  • XPD-9567 Added support for changing resizing limits *after* a window has been popped out.
  • XPD-9618 Made OS file save dialog truly modal.
  • XPD-9639 Fixed nose gear stuck on S-76 at ENSL.
  • XPD-9647 F-4 wrek objects have no textures.
  • XPD-9644 747 catches on fire in replay.
  • XPD-9650 Cockpit OBJs saved with Plane Maker pre 11.30 are no longer eligible for z-prefill.
  • XPD-9653 Fixed night lighting.
  • XPD-9660 Fixed sea plane sinking below the water surface.
  • XPD-9662 "Automatic differential braking kludge" on 3rd party acf.
  • XPD-9663 Yaw Trim in Helicopters.
  • XPD-9668 Animation show/hide was not affecting hard surfaces.
  • XPD-9669 Fix for range of trims.

Beta 5

This patch includes multiple areas of performance fixes.

  • XPD-9287 Dataref doc update.
  • XPD-9315 Workaround for SteamVR controllers.
  • XPD-9365 Fix for top & bottom being swapped in XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsGlobal() callbacks.
  • XPD-9512 Fix misaligned water reflections.
  • XPD-9532 EGT value from C172 is about 104 degree Fahrenheit per division.
  • XPD-9537 Low FPS over hard surfaces.
  • XPD-9540 Framerate reduction from 11.26r2 to 11.30b.
  • XPD-9544 Fixed cockpit positioning code.
  • XPD-9554 Plane Maker aircraft CoG corruption.
  • XPD-9558, XPD-9584 Fixed black textures.
  • XPD-9577 UDP CMND does not work.
  • XPD-9601 Application Name Missing From Title Bar.
  • XPD-9608 Wrong VR Pilot position in B58.
  • XPD-9618 Fix for crash caused by re-focusing X-Plane after a dialog is opened.
  • XPD-9619 Instrument Brightness dataref was wrong in the command predicates.
  • XPD-9621 Blow your tires put the plane raise your plane instead of lower it.
  • XPD-9622 "negative i dex request" error in FMC.
  • XPD-9626 CTD when using earth_424.dat.
  • XPD-9628 Whole-Stabilizer Trim Backward for Canards.
  • XPD-9629 Fixed missing triangles in cliff.
  • XPD-9630 Slight cleanup of aircraft log warnings.
  • XPD-9637 Added static water depth data to old DSFs.
  • XPD-9638 Helicopter auto-hover flight dynamics issues.

Beta 4

  • XPD-9539 EVENT_ALWAYS events were not playing.
  • XPD-9552 Fixed gaps in DSF borders.
  • XPD-9613 Fixed missing runways due to uninited data when loading DSFs.
  • XPD-9614 Fixed missing missile FX.

Beta 3

  • XPD-9507 Dubai scenery now included.
  • XPD-9510 Don't let them ask for an altimeter before filing a flight plan.
  • XPD-8524 Fix overriding plugin AI AP.
  • XPD-9541 Fixed particle system running at times it should not.
  • XPD-9550 Laminar KingAir C90B EHSI LOC2 fixes.
  • XPD-9556 Fixed warning when aircraft has no 3-d cockpit.
  • XPD-9557, XPD-9574 Fix for aircraft with a forced beta/reverse range operating on a throttle without them.
  • XPD-9560 Fix nose gear collapse due to upside down tri in ortho mesh.
  • XPD-9572 Fixed panel blending for legacy panels.
  • XPD-9576 Fixed clipping with skewed instruments.
  • XPD-9577 Fixed CMND packet not working.
  • XPD-9578 Cessna Skyhawk (floats) non functioning auto pilot.
  • XPD-9579 Fix for broken filtered dropdowns in VR.
  • XPD-9580 A bug in the command predicates was stopping battery2 from toggling properly.
  • XPD-9581 Fix for synchronous MACIBM_alert()s breaking VR.
  • XPD-9582 Running the new morse_code on windows crashed.
  • XPD-9585 Fix crash when hitting + button in particle system.
  • XPD-9586 Missing datarefs broke particle system in b2.
  • XPD-9588 C-172 attitude indicator upset not included in "fix all systems".
  • XPD-9589 We now properly spell out gate names phonetically.
  • XPD-9603 Removed debug line when AI lands.

Beta 2

  • FMS & autopilot fixes.
  • XPD-9136 We now kill off transitions if they run too long.
  • XPD-9497 X-Plane crashes when clicking DONE after editing the joystick response curves.
  • XPD-9509 Ground textures looking strange on Intel GPUs.
  • XPD-9511 Mobile scenery listed in log.
  • XPD-9513 CTD when using joystick in Jetstream32.
  • XPD-9514 Editing dual Throttle curves crashes X-Plane.
  • XPD-9515 X-Plane.exe interne Resource VERSIONINFO wrong.
  • XPD-9516 Flight stick curve with Warthog setting crashes XP.
  • XPD-9517 Several in-cockpit lights don´t "cast" any light anymore in the IXEG 737.
  • XPD-9521 Ground friction implausibly increased after a flight.
  • XPD-9524 Over_…_marker datarefs don't work.
  • XPD-9525 8.33kHz frequencies not tuneable in stock FMC.
  • XPD-9527 UDP Interface Issue with 11.30b1 & FS-FlightControl.
  • XPD-9548 Blackout during climb in FF A320.

Beta 1

  • XPD-9144, XPD-8030 Added support for grabbing clipboard contents on Linux.
  • XPD-9426 Fixed VR mouse in C172.
  • XPD-9448 737 brake light has "halo" in VR.
  • XPD-9493, XPD-9494 Immediate crash on linux with glibc >= 2.22.
  • XPD-9502 Fixed crash with special starts.
  • XPD-9505 G1000 Direct To misbehaviour.
  • XPD-8673 Updated credits screen.

Developer build 5

  • XPD-5186 Free castoring not visible or available to plugins/plane modeling.
  • XPD-8847 Static lift not working on airships.
  • XPD-9013 Taildraggers are pretty much impossible to operate in crosswind.
  • XPD-9155 C-172 slip angle unrealistic.
  • XPD-9157 C-172 max nosewheel steering excessive.
  • XPD-9158 Nosewheel labeling in Plane Maker.
  • XPD-9159 Steering with one axis assigned to "yaw" causes brakes to engage.
  • XPD-9267 C-172 climb performance and ceiling WAY optimistic.
  • XPD-9274 X-Plane 11.20 freezes during FDR file loading.
  • XPD-9291 Update networking UI.
  • XPD-9340 Slow transition in ATC pop up.
  • XPD-9393 ATC loses last readback before frequency change.
  • XPD-9436 Override_throttles makes turboprop engine model ignore ENGN_mixt.
  • XPD-9437 Updated particle editor UI.
  • XPD-9443 Made iPhone mapping app port non-editable, and correctly locked to 49002.
  • XPD-9464 We now properly put the keyboard focus in the dropdown filter when we disclose it.
  • XPD-9469 Fixed aircraft crashing through Earth when dropping at high speed.
  • XPD-9480 IXEG 737 can not be trimmed (movable horizontal stab).
  • XPD-9481 Fixed crash when flying under bridges.
  • XPD-9483 Air rotating ahead of prop – should be straight.
  • XPD-9484 Network interfaces no longer listed in Log.txt; added additional network interface information for Win.
  • XPD-9489 O2 bottle psi not updated.

Developer build 4

This is the first build with RakNet networking.

  • XPD-8719 BECN sender fails to iterate to next network interface if the multicast send fails.
  • XPD-9429 Updated help text for DSF errors.
  • XPD-9438 fixed crash in texture browser when scrolling.
  • XPD-9446 Dramatic lighting change with HDR/no HDR with clouds shadows.
  • XPD-9452 G530 blinking at W00.
  • XPD-9454 Fixed end of memory scribble.
  • XPD-9457 Fixed twin otter crashing x-plane when cockpit-inn is gone.
  • XPD-9458 More speed up of slow meshes.
  • XPD-9459 SID FINZZ2 @ KNSA not working.
  • XPD-9468 Fixed AI prop animation copying user's plane.
  • XPD-9471 LDR landing light not implemented.

Developer build 3

  • Fixed 737 landing lights.
  • Fixes for particle system editor UI
    • reload button is now refresh
    • particle preview locations cleaned up
    • fixed shader crash when particle debug mode is picked
  • XPD-9427 Fixed black sky at very high vis in VR. Also fixes missing atmosphere at far view.
  • XPD-9431 Broken new button in particle system UI in Windows.

Developer build 2

This build included art updates & the new particle system UI.

  • XPD-9329 Fixed floating mountains.
  • XPD-9378 Added unidirectional YY and YG lights.
  • XPD-9380 Com radio stops working if the corresponding Nav radio is turned off.
  • XPD-9411 Clouds attached to headset in VR.
  • XPD-9417 Fixed crash when bad PSS is in OBJ.
  • XPD-9419 Made cockpit objects accessible to be picked in Plane Maker.

Developer build 1

  • XPD-7883 Weather settings temperature range too small.
  • XPD-8672 Scrolling leaves dis-embodied dropdown.
  • XPD-9004 Crash in navigational code regarding a radius to fix leg.
  • XPD-9070 Fix for crash when loading livery prefs.
  • XPD-9152 Fixed-Turboprop engine torque code ignored fuel.
  • XPD-9248 Bug report: Sim intermittently fails to respond to X-P Command.
  • XPD-9249 Fixed drop tanks having no guidance system enum.
  • XPD-9250 Directional Gyro cannot be aligned when overriding the engine and setting the vacuum value to 0.
  • XPD-9278 Non-English messages sometimes exceed the expected space.
  • XPD-9356 Pro use auto-dismiss actions sometimes open webpages.
  • XPD-9366 Fix for PFC pitch, roll, & yaw axes with wrong centering & null zones.

New and updated global airports

  • Total airports with 3-D scenery in the 11.30r1 release: 8247
  • Airports with 3-D scenery introduced since the 11.25 release: 937
    • 937 airports had either no scenery or 2-D-only scenery in 11.25, but have 3-D scenery in 11.30r1.

Airports introduced in the 11.30r1 release (137 total). These 137 airports did not exist at all in the 11.25 release.

  • 3NH4
  • 59B
  • 7LA5
  • CPG5
  • CSH2
  • CST3
  • CSZ8
  • CYAS
  • CYKQ
  • CYMU
  • CYNC
  • CZEM
  • EBNE
  • EPBE
  • FAFO
  • FAGL
  • FAWC
  • FIMA
  • GOBD
  • HBBE
  • HBBK
  • HBBO
  • HRYN
  • HTMI
  • KCXW
  • KLWD
  • KPCA
  • LEEC
  • LEIR
  • LEMS
  • LOAL
  • LOAT
  • LOKR
  • MZBB
  • MZBE
  • MZCP
  • MZCZ
  • MZTH
  • NTGQ
  • NTKN
  • NTKO
  • NTTU
  • NZFJ
  • NZFX
  • ORNI
  • RPLX
  • RPUI
  • RPUX
  • SATM
  • URRP
  • VAAV
  • VAJJ
  • VALT
  • VAND
  • VAOZ
  • VYPU
  • XC0001
  • XC0002
  • XC000K
  • XC000L
  • XC000N
  • XC000O
  • XC000V
  • XC000W
  • XC000Y
  • XEAS
  • XED0001
  • XED0005
  • XED0006
  • XED0007
  • XED0008
  • XED0009
  • XED1742
  • XED6X
  • XEDD8
  • XEG0002
  • XEG0003
  • XEG0004
  • XEG0005
  • XEG0006
  • XEG0007
  • XEG0008
  • XEG0009
  • XEG000A
  • XEG000B
  • XEG000D
  • XEG000E
  • XEG000G
  • XEG000H
  • XEG000I
  • XEG000J
  • XEG000K
  • XEG000L
  • XEG000N
  • XEG000O
  • XEG000P
  • XEG000Q
  • XEG000R
  • XEG000S
  • XEG000T
  • XEG000U
  • XEG4PT
  • XEG7BB
  • XEG7OP
  • XEG7RG
  • XEG7RH
  • XEG7RO
  • XEG7TG
  • XEG7UF
  • XK000M
  • XKRK1
  • XLJ0001
  • XLO0001
  • XLO0002
  • XLO0003
  • XLO0004
  • XLP0071
  • XOR0001
  • XSA0002
  • ZHSN
  • ZLZW

Airports with improved scenery in the 11.30r1 release (1222 total). These 1222 airports have had a new scenery pack uploaded since the 11.25 release.

  • 00CA
  • 00R
  • 01K
  • 01LA
  • 01M
  • 01MT
  • 02K
  • 04CA
  • 05Y
  • 06U
  • 07FA
  • 07II
  • 07NC
  • 09R
  • 09S
  • 0B5
  • 0CA1
  • 0CA3
  • 0CL8
  • 0J0
  • 0L7
  • 0LL7
  • 0O2
  • 0TN3
  • 0TN4
  • 0TN9
  • 0U2
  • 15CA
  • 16G
  • 17CA
  • 17J
  • 1AZ8
  • 1B0
  • 1CT2
  • 1G0
  • 1G4
  • 1M5
  • 1N5
  • 1O1
  • 1OK8
  • 1PA1
  • 1S8
  • 1Y5
  • 1Z1
  • 24A
  • 24LA
  • 27J
  • 2A0
  • 2AZ4
  • 2B7
  • 2B9
  • 2CA4
  • 2F6
  • 2M8
  • 2NK9
  • 2S5
  • 33R
  • 34A
  • 37X
  • 38N
  • 3A2
  • 3B3
  • 3B4
  • 3B5
  • 3CA9
  • 3CU
  • 3D2
  • 3DW
  • 3HO
  • 3M7
  • 3O9
  • 3R7
  • 3U8
  • 41OK
  • 42U
  • 45G
  • 45R
  • 4A9
  • 4B8
  • 4II5
  • 4J6
  • 4MD6
  • 4TE8
  • 4U6
  • 4V0
  • 4V1
  • 52E
  • 55TX
  • 57B
  • 58CL
  • 5C1
  • 5CA3
  • 5M3
  • 5R4
  • 5R8
  • 63B
  • 65B
  • 66B
  • 66V
  • 6CA5
  • 6G1
  • 6I2
  • 6L4
  • 6N5
  • 6R1
  • 6R3
  • 6S8
  • 6TN3
  • 6U7
  • 6VA1
  • 70K
  • 72TX
  • 74V
  • 75FL
  • 7622
  • 76OH
  • 77G
  • 77NJ
  • 78R
  • 7A8
  • 7R3
  • 7R5
  • 7W6
  • 7Y7
  • 80V
  • 81B
  • 81CA
  • 82V
  • 85B
  • 88WI
  • 8A3
  • 8B0
  • 8B2
  • 8G2
  • 8S4
  • 8W3
  • 93B
  • 95A
  • 95F
  • 96GA
  • 9A5
  • 9CL2
  • 9N7
  • 9U0
  • 9V4
  • A20
  • A24
  • AQ5
  • AU61
  • B10
  • B19
  • B21
  • BCV
  • BGAA
  • BGBW
  • BISR
  • BS8
  • C24
  • C29
  • C65
  • CA35
  • CFH4
  • CJQ3
  • CJU4
  • CJX8
  • CJZ9
  • CKB7
  • CKQ6
  • CL05
  • CL57
  • CNU4
  • CNY3
  • CPF4
  • CPT7
  • CSE5
  • CTT5
  • CYAL
  • CYBX
  • CYCE
  • CYCK
  • CYCW
  • CYEE
  • CYFC
  • CYFO
  • CYGM
  • CYHU
  • CYIK
  • CYJQ
  • CYLW
  • CYML
  • CYMW
  • CYNA
  • CYNJ
  • CYNM
  • CYPH
  • CYPQ
  • CYPR
  • CYPX
  • CYQM
  • CYQS
  • CYQX
  • CYQY
  • CYSC
  • CYSZ
  • CYTH
  • CYTS
  • CYTZ
  • CYVO
  • CYWA
  • CYWG
  • CYWL
  • CYYB
  • CYYT
  • CYYY
  • CYZH
  • CZBM
  • CZMT
  • D73
  • DAAE
  • DAAG
  • DAAJ
  • DAAS
  • DAAZ
  • DABB
  • DABC
  • DABT
  • DAOB
  • DAOF
  • DAON
  • DAOS
  • DAOV
  • DAUA
  • DAUG
  • DAUI
  • DAUK
  • DAUZ
  • DNMM
  • E77
  • E80
  • E95
  • EBCI
  • EBOS
  • EBZH
  • EBZR
  • EDBR
  • EDDH
  • EDDK
  • EDDM
  • EDDN
  • EDDP
  • EDDS
  • EDDW
  • EDFU
  • EDGH
  • EDJA
  • EDLD
  • EDLN
  • EDMQ
  • EDND
  • EDNQ
  • EDPE
  • EDPY
  • EDQH
  • EDQI
  • EFHF
  • EFHV
  • EFKS
  • EFVA
  • EG02
  • EG20
  • EG21
  • EG22
  • EG26
  • EG34
  • EG35
  • EG40
  • EG54
  • EGBT
  • EGCS
  • EGDD
  • EGDJ
  • EGEG
  • EGFC
  • EGFF
  • EGGW
  • EGKK
  • EGKL
  • EGLP
  • EGMA
  • EGMF
  • EGMJ
  • EGML
  • EGNB
  • EGNC
  • EGNG
  • EGNI
  • EGNT
  • EGNU
  • EGNY
  • EGPD
  • EGPE
  • EGPF
  • EGSL
  • EGSQ
  • EGST
  • EGTA
  • EGTN
  • EGX4
  • EGX6
  • EGXD
  • EGXE
  • EGXZ
  • EGYJ
  • EGYP
  • EHAL
  • EHAM
  • EHEH
  • EHGG
  • EHLW
  • EHTL
  • EIBN
  • EIDL
  • EIGN
  • EIIH
  • EIIR
  • EIKH
  • EK28
  • EK34
  • EK37
  • EK45
  • EK46
  • EKHK
  • EKMB
  • EKOD
  • ENAL
  • ENAN
  • ENAT
  • ENBL
  • ENBN
  • ENBO
  • ENBR
  • ENBS
  • ENBV
  • ENCN
  • ENDU
  • ENEV
  • ENFG
  • ENFL
  • ENGK
  • ENGM
  • ENHD
  • ENHV
  • ENKB
  • ENKR
  • ENMH
  • ENML
  • ENMS
  • ENNM
  • ENNO
  • ENOV
  • ENRA
  • ENRM
  • ENRO
  • ENRS
  • ENSD
  • ENSG
  • ENSN
  • ENSO
  • ENSR
  • ENSS
  • ENST
  • ENTC
  • ENTO
  • ENVA
  • ENVD
  • ENZV
  • EPAR
  • EPBB
  • EPBC
  • EPBP
  • EPBY
  • EPDE
  • EPGD
  • EPGY
  • EPKA
  • EPKW
  • EPLU
  • EPMM
  • EPMO
  • EPOK
  • EPSY
  • EPZE
  • ESGD
  • ESGJ
  • ESMX
  • ESOE
  • EYKA
  • F17
  • F95
  • FABB
  • FAEO
  • FALI
  • FALO
  • FAMB
  • FAMN
  • FAPI
  • FASI
  • FAUL
  • FD02
  • FD44
  • FD48
  • FHAW
  • FSIA
  • GMAZ
  • GUCY
  • H49
  • HBBA
  • HRYG
  • HRYI
  • HRZA
  • HTAR
  • HTKJ
  • HTLM
  • I41
  • IA60
  • IN52
  • K16
  • K24
  • K34
  • K67
  • K78
  • KAAS
  • KABI
  • KABQ
  • KACP
  • KACY
  • KADG
  • KAFK
  • KAFN
  • KAGZ
  • KAIA
  • KAIV
  • KAJR
  • KAKH
  • KALO
  • KALW
  • KAMA
  • KAND
  • KAPC
  • KAPT
  • KAQW
  • KARB
  • KASD
  • KASW
  • KATS
  • KATY
  • KAUG
  • KAUM
  • KAVP
  • KAWM
  • KAZO
  • KBAD
  • KBDG
  • KBDH
  • KBDL
  • KBDU
  • KBFD
  • KBGE
  • KBHB
  • KBIH
  • KBIL
  • KBIX
  • KBKW
  • KBLI
  • KBMT
  • KBNL
  • KBPT
  • KBST
  • KBTN
  • KBUF
  • KBWP
  • KCAO
  • KCBF
  • KCBK
  • KCDN
  • KCIC
  • KCKM
  • KCLI
  • KCLW
  • KCMA
  • KCMX
  • KCNU
  • KCON
  • KCOS
  • KCOU
  • KCPR
  • KCQF
  • KCRX
  • KCTK
  • KCUB
  • KCUH
  • KCUT
  • KCVH
  • KCWF
  • KCXO
  • KDAL
  • KDCA
  • KDEN
  • KDGL
  • KDKR
  • KDKX
  • KDRI
  • KDUB
  • KDUG
  • KDWX
  • KDXR
  • KDXX
  • KEAN
  • KEAT
  • KEBD
  • KECP
  • KEDU
  • KEEN
  • KEGE
  • KEHR
  • KEKQ
  • KELY
  • KENW
  • KEPG
  • KEQY
  • KERR
  • KEZS
  • KFBL
  • KFBR
  • KFFC
  • KFFT
  • KFIT
  • KFLX
  • KFMM
  • KFNT
  • KFOM
  • KFRM
  • KFST
  • KFVE
  • KFYE
  • KFYV
  • KFZI
  • KGAF
  • KGCC
  • KGEV
  • KGFK
  • KGGW
  • KGIC
  • KGKJ
  • KGKT
  • KGMU
  • KGRE
  • KGSP
  • KGUR
  • KGVQ
  • KGVT
  • KGWR
  • KGYL
  • KGYR
  • KGYY
  • KHAF
  • KHBC
  • KHEE
  • KHHR
  • KHIB
  • KHLN
  • KHOB
  • KHON
  • KHQZ
  • KHRI
  • KHRX
  • KHSA
  • KHSE
  • KHTH
  • KHUL
  • KHVS
  • KHZE
  • KIAD
  • KIAH
  • KIER
  • KIFP
  • KIGM
  • KIMT
  • KIPT
  • KIRK
  • KISN
  • KIUA
  • KIWA
  • KJAS
  • KJFK
  • KJFZ
  • KJRA
  • KJYO
  • KKIC
  • KLAS
  • KLCH
  • KLCK
  • KLEM
  • KLFK
  • KLFT
  • KLHZ
  • KLLU
  • KLNA
  • KLOT
  • KLOZ
  • KLRD
  • KLRO
  • KLSE
  • KLTY
  • KLXY
  • KLZU
  • KMBS
  • KMDH
  • KMFE
  • KMFR
  • KMGC
  • KMHE
  • KMIE
  • KMKA
  • KMKJ
  • KMLB
  • KMMI
  • KMNM
  • KMQJ
  • KMRN
  • KMSO
  • KMSP
  • KMVM
  • KMWA
  • KMWH
  • KMXO
  • KMZJ
  • KNBG
  • KNPA
  • KNTD
  • KNZY
  • KOAK
  • KOCH
  • KOCQ
  • KOFP
  • KOKH
  • KOLD
  • KOLE
  • KOMK
  • KONT
  • KONY
  • KOPF
  • KOQU
  • KORD
  • KORF
  • KORG
  • KORK
  • KOSH
  • KOTG
  • KOTH
  • KOWK
  • KOXI
  • KOXR
  • KPBG
  • KPHP
  • KPHX
  • KPIE
  • KPIT
  • KPLN
  • KPMD
  • KPNN
  • KPOE
  • KPOY
  • KPRB
  • KPRG
  • KPRZ
  • KPSC
  • KPTS
  • KPUB
  • KRBW
  • KRCX
  • KRDG
  • KRFD
  • KRHP
  • KRHV
  • KRIC
  • KRIF
  • KRKW
  • KRNT
  • KROC
  • KROW
  • KRST
  • KRUG
  • KRWL
  • KRYM
  • KRZR
  • KSAC
  • KSAD
  • KSBP
  • KSDF
  • KSEF
  • KSFM
  • KSFZ
  • KSGS
  • KSJC
  • KSJT
  • KSKF
  • KSKX
  • KSLG
  • KSMO
  • KSMS
  • KSMX
  • KSPA
  • KSPF
  • KSQL
  • KSRB
  • KSTC
  • KSUE
  • KSUN
  • KTAN
  • KTDF
  • KTEW
  • KTNX
  • KTOB
  • KTOC
  • KTOI
  • KTOR
  • KTTN
  • KTUS
  • KTWF
  • KTYS
  • KTZV
  • KUCP
  • KUDG
  • KUGN
  • KUZA
  • KVAD
  • KVMR
  • KVPZ
  • KVQQ
  • KWEA
  • KWRL
  • KWST
  • KYIP
  • KYKM
  • L35
  • L39
  • L50
  • L70
  • L75
  • LDLO
  • LEBL
  • LEMD
  • LFAG
  • LFAT
  • LFBJ
  • LFBL
  • LFBN
  • LFBU
  • LFBX
  • LFBZ
  • LFCM
  • LFCY
  • LFDN
  • LFDS
  • LFDZ
  • LFEN
  • LFEV
  • LFGB
  • LFGO
  • LFKT
  • LFLG
  • LFLK
  • LFLS
  • LFLW
  • LFMK
  • LFML
  • LFMU
  • LFOB
  • LFOI
  • LFOJ
  • LFOT
  • LFOY
  • LFPE
  • LFPI
  • LFSL
  • LFSM
  • LFST
  • LFTQ
  • LFYG
  • LGKC
  • LGSO
  • LHBP
  • LHDC
  • LICA
  • LIET
  • LIMC
  • LIPB
  • LIPG
  • LIPH
  • LIPZ
  • LJBL
  • LJMB
  • LJSK
  • LKPR
  • LL10
  • LMML
  • LOAA
  • LOAB
  • LOAD
  • LOAG
  • LOAN
  • LOGF
  • LOGG
  • LOGK
  • LOGL
  • LOGO
  • LOGW
  • LOIH
  • LOKF
  • LOKG
  • LOKH
  • LOKN
  • LOKW
  • LOLC
  • LOLE
  • LOLG
  • LOLH
  • LOLM
  • LOLS
  • LOLT
  • LOLU
  • LOLW
  • LOSM
  • LOWK
  • LOWW
  • LPAR
  • LPAV
  • LPBG
  • LPCR
  • LPCS
  • LPEV
  • LPJF
  • LPOV
  • LPPN
  • LPPR
  • LPPT
  • LPSE
  • LPSR
  • LPST
  • LS75
  • LSEZ
  • LSGS
  • LSHC
  • LSMA
  • LSML
  • LSMM
  • LSTA
  • LSZB
  • LSZH
  • LTFG
  • LZZI
  • M05
  • M41
  • MBPI
  • MBSY
  • MDCY
  • MDLR
  • MDMC
  • MDPP
  • MGBN
  • MGGT
  • MKTP
  • MMCZ
  • MMMD
  • MMML
  • MMVR
  • MMZO
  • MRCC
  • MRGP
  • MRNS
  • MRPD
  • MRQP
  • MS72
  • MT37
  • MTCH
  • MTPP
  • MUBA
  • MY87
  • MYAB
  • MYLS
  • MYNN
  • MZ10
  • N30
  • N38
  • N52
  • N68
  • NC06
  • ND75
  • ND99
  • NH16
  • NK55
  • NK64
  • NK80
  • NK84
  • NM45
  • NTAR
  • NTAT
  • NTAV
  • NTGA
  • NTGB
  • NTGE
  • NTGJ
  • NTGM
  • NTGP
  • NTKF
  • NV74
  • NZFP
  • NZGA
  • NZWN
  • NZWO
  • O16
  • O26
  • O79
  • OEDR
  • OEYN
  • OH52
  • OI47
  • OI87
  • OIAW
  • OIBI
  • OIBJ
  • OIBV
  • OICC
  • OIFK
  • OIII
  • OIKQ
  • OIMM
  • OING
  • OINN
  • OINZ
  • OISF
  • OISJ
  • OISY
  • OITR
  • OIYY
  • OIZB
  • OIZH
  • OM01
  • OM11
  • OMAA
  • OMAM
  • OMDW
  • OOMS
  • OPSK
  • ORER
  • ORMM
  • ORSU
  • OTBK
  • P03
  • P04
  • P29
  • P33
  • PADQ
  • PAFR
  • PANC
  • PAYA
  • PF2
  • PHSF
  • Q12
  • RJAW
  • RJCW
  • RJOH
  • RKPD
  • RKPK
  • RKPS
  • RKPU
  • RKSM
  • RKSS
  • RKTU
  • RP10
  • RP12
  • RP13
  • RP14
  • RP15
  • RP17
  • RPLA
  • RPLS
  • RPLU
  • RPLV
  • RPMA
  • RPME
  • RPMF
  • RPMH
  • RPMN
  • RPMQ
  • RPMS
  • RPMW
  • RPNS
  • RPSM
  • RPUG
  • RPUH
  • RPUL
  • RPUM
  • RPUN
  • RPUO
  • RPUT
  • RPUV
  • RPUW
  • RPUY
  • RPUZ
  • RPVA
  • RPVC
  • RPVD
  • RPVE
  • RPVF
  • RPVG
  • RPVJ
  • RPVK
  • RPVO
  • RPVR
  • RPVS
  • RPVU
  • RPVV
  • RPVW
  • S24
  • S32
  • S45
  • S72
  • S94
  • SA29
  • SA36
  • SA8A
  • SAAG
  • SABE
  • SAVY
  • SAWC
  • SBKP
  • SBLJ
  • SBUP
  • SC21
  • SCAS
  • SCIE
  • SCPQ
  • SDAI
  • SDCU
  • SDLP
  • SDPW
  • SE09
  • SEMA
  • SIFP
  • SKBU
  • SKGO
  • SKRG
  • SKUI
  • SLCA
  • SNAO
  • SNCX
  • SNDH
  • SNGU
  • SNJB
  • SNMX
  • SPMS
  • SSAP
  • SSOK
  • SSOL
  • SVHG
  • T00
  • T12
  • T24
  • T77
  • T78
  • TFFG
  • TIST
  • TISX
  • TJSJ
  • TN22
  • TN59
  • TN61
  • TN62
  • TN87
  • TN98
  • U06
  • U08
  • U12
  • U41
  • U51
  • U53
  • U62
  • U65
  • U68
  • U69
  • U86
  • U94
  • UDYZ
  • UGSB
  • UGTB
  • UKBB
  • UKKK
  • URMM
  • UTSU
  • UTTT
  • UWKD
  • UWWW
  • VA1B
  • VA1M
  • VA47
  • VA53
  • VA81
  • VAAK
  • VABB
  • VAHB
  • VAKP
  • VAPO
  • VARG
  • VASL
  • VCBI
  • VEAT
  • VECC
  • VEGT
  • VGEG
  • VNDH
  • VNLK
  • VOCC
  • VOCI
  • VOTV
  • VTSG
  • VVPQ
  • VYMD
  • W09
  • W16
  • W42
  • W96
  • WA93
  • WAHS
  • WAMP
  • WAMW
  • WARJ
  • WAWS
  • WIDN
  • WIPL
  • WN50
  • WS17
  • WSAT
  • WWLD
  • WY00
  • WY11
  • WY33
  • X35
  • X6AH
  • XBRE
  • XCWH7
  • XHIN
  • XK00U
  • XMZ13
  • XPOK
  • Y19
  • Y30
  • Y37
  • Y47
  • Y71
  • Y74
  • YADU
  • YARM
  • YASF
  • YBBN
  • YBCG
  • YBNA
  • YBRW
  • YBTH
  • YBUD
  • YCAH
  • YCAW
  • YCEL
  • YCMH
  • YCMT
  • YCRL
  • YDEN
  • YELC
  • YESN
  • YEUG
  • YGCR
  • YGDA
  • YHRD
  • YKBN
  • YLCG
  • YLHI
  • YLKS
  • YLOH
  • YMCT
  • YMED
  • YMVM
  • YNOB
  • YORC
  • YPDN
  • YPKG
  • YPPH
  • YRBB
  • YSPI
  • YSPT
  • YSRT
  • YTFD
  • YTIB
  • YTLP
  • YUND
  • YWAG
  • YWBL
  • YWCA
  • YWHC
  • YWLM
  • YWMG
  • YWOL
  • YXFV
  • ZBSJ
  • ZHHH
  • ZPJH
  • ZPLJ
  • ZSHC
  • ZSPD

Known bugs

  • XPD-9388 Software hangs upon exit when using VR.
  • XPD-9501, XPD-9449 AMD driver bugs with displays & weapons.
  • XPD-9729 Contrails and wing condensation missing in replay.