FlightGear Flight Simulator/2020.3 LTS/Terrain and Vegetation

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State of terrain and vegetation visuals: source see note at top of Suggested Custom Scenery in FlightGear wiki.

State of terrain and vegetation visuals in different regions in FlightGear as at early 2020. Not an exhaustive list. Visuals change with 2020.3 minor releases as volunteers contribute work.
Engine feature and content level of terrain and visuals Regions
Use of recent engine features like overlays and have high resolution terrain
  • Hawaii
  • Norway
  • Iceland
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Mediterranean landscapes (Spain, Sicily, Portugal, southern Italy, Greece).
Areas using partial overlays and developed scenery with high resolution terrain
  • Switzerland
  • Alps (in many countries)
  • Central Europe
  • Great Britain (England, Scotland,Ireland)
  • Corsica
Well developed areas with regional definitions that predate overlays
  • Alaska
  • Australia (high resolution terrain)
  • Caribbean Islands, Bermuda
  • South America (lower res terrain)
  • Grand Canyon (USA)
  • California (USA)
  • Mojave Desert (USA) (lower res terrain than Europe)
  • Madagascar (lower res terrain than Europe).
Older engine features, but somewhat recently developed areas
  • South Africa in places (lower res terrain)
  • Dubai
  • Mediterranean part of Africa (i.e. North Africa)

There are some custom sceneries with work on terrain and vegetation visuals that has not been integrated yet into the automatically downloaded scenery.